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In Western Holland , U.S. troops attacking in moonlight a few hours before yesterday's dawn threw another bridgehead over the River Mark from which they were thrown back two days ago. This time, they hung on in the face of savage attacks from 15 th German Army rearguards.

Southward, in the Vosges foothills, Lt. Gen. Alexander Patch's U.S. Seventh Army captured the road junction of Baccarat, Associated press said. Three villages north of it also were taken on the road to the Schirmeck Pass.

In Western Holland meanwhile German resistance ceased south of the River Maas, except for one bridgehead at the town of Moerdijk where trapped Nazi rearguards who had blown the bridges behind them were waging a last-ditch, delaying fight. German West Holland casualties and prisoners totaled 43,000.

NOTE: This article appeared in The Record Newspaper as the events were unfolding in October or November 1944.




New Bridgehead